The combination of the enzymes in pineapple and papaya helps to neutralize any inflammation corresponding to diseases that end in “itis” (sinusitis, colitis, tendinitis, phlebitis, and arthritis). Thus, their association enhances and reinforces the analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.
In vitro, bromelain inhibits the growth of cancerous tumours. This prevention cannot, however, be associated with proteolytic nor peroxidase activity. It induces cell apoptosis.
The first reports on the beneficial effects of orally administered bromelain in cancer patients date from 1972. Treatment with relatively high doses over several months showed a remission of malignant tumours with negligible secondary effects.
Bromelain is considered non-toxic and has no side effects except very rare allergic reactions. It can be used at doses ranging from 200 to 2000 mg for extended periods.